Watch for the Warning Signs of This Undiagnosed Epidemic
Sleep apnea is a potentially deadly condition, and about 85% of people with it don’t know they have it. That’s why it’s important to know the symptoms. If you experience daytime sleepiness, waking up unrested, or other symptoms, it’s important to get tested for sleep apnea.
If your doctor doesn’t know where to refer you for a sleep test, or if you want to get a sleep test without involving your doctor, we can help. At, we make it easy to order an affordable sleep test that you can take at home. At, we make it easy to get a sleep test you can take at home. Please contact us today to get started.

You Might Notice These Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
You might not be aware that your breathing is stopping at night, but the effects will likely be unmistakable. You will probably notice a combination of symptoms, such as:
- Daytime sleepiness
- Waking up unrested after a full night’s “sleep”
- Morning headaches
- Dry mouth in the morning
- Dozing off at work, while driving, or in front of the TV
- Memory problems
- Lack of motivation
- Low energy or fatigue
- Excessive appetite
- Weight gain or inability to lose weight
- Loss of interest in hobbies or pastimes
- Nightmares
- Waking up to urinate
- Irritability or moodiness
- Diminished sexual interest, performance, or satisfaction
You might not experience all these symptoms, but if you have even a few of them, it’s time to consider whether you might have sleep apnea. Especially if other people or your doctor enforce your suspicion with what they see and hear.
Others Might Notice These Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Because sleep apnea occurs at night, many people’s first hint of the condition comes not from their own experience, but from what others tell them. You should suspect sleep apnea if others who sleep in the bed, room, or house with you say you:
- Snore (the louder you snore, the higher your sleep apnea risk)
- Gasp or choke during sleep
- Grind or clench your teeth
- Sleep restlessly
It’s tempting to ignore snoring, for example, as just a nuisance. However, the truth is that it’s a common sign of sleep apnea and is itself a serious condition that should be treated.
Your Doctor Might Diagnose Conditions Linked to Sleep Apnea
Some people think the symptoms of sleep apnea aren’t too serious. They ignore them or put off dealing with them. However, a doctor’s diagnosis can drive home the potential severity of the situation. People with sleep apnea are often diagnosed with:
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Diabetes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Depression
- Hypothyroidism
- Low testosterone
- Migraines
Some of these are conditions closely linked to sleep apnea. They may be hard or impossible to treat as long as sleep apnea remains untreated. Drug-resistant hypertension, for example, is considered a textbook sign of sleep apnea. In other cases, conditions like hypothyroidism and low testosterone might be misdiagnosed as sleep apnea.
Don’t Just Suspect Sleep Apnea When You Can Be Sure
All the above symptoms should make you suspect you might have sleep apnea. However, you don’t have to settle for suspicions. You can be sure with a home sleep test that you can take in the comfort of your own bed. With included 2-day USPS shipping, you can get results in about a week. Just tell your doctor about or contact us today to order a sleep test for yourself.