Do you think you might have sleep apnea? A great way to diagnose this condition is with a home sleep study.
Don’t worry–you can have a sleep test sent directly to you and take it in the comfort of your own bed. Then, if your results indicate that it’s appropriate, we can connect you with a local dentist from our network that can fit you with a custom oral appliance for easy treatment.

When to Suspect Sleep Apnea
Most people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed. Sleep apnea happens while you’re sleeping, so how do you know if you might have it? Watch for the common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, such as:
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Snoring
- Gasping and choking
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Going to the bathroom often at night
- Waking up tired
- Waking with a headache
- Difficulty remembering or focusing
- Irritability or depression
- High blood pressure
Check below for more detailed explanations of what makes some of these symptoms likely indicators of sleep apnea.
What Is “Excessive” Daytime Sleepiness?
Sometimes it seems that everyone is tired all the time. So how do you know if your daytime sleepiness is excessive? Here are a few signs your sleepiness might be a sign of sleep apnea:
- Needing caffeine in the afternoon
- Dozing at work
- Falling asleep while driving
- Dozing off when reading or watching TV
Most Americans have one or more caffeinated drinks every day. Having one in the morning is normal. However, if you find you need additional caffeine in the afternoon to make it through the day, you should consider getting a sleep test.
If you are falling asleep during daily tasks, you should be tested for sleep apnea. Falling asleep at work, while driving, or when reading or watching television should be considered a serious warning sign.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Snoring is the most common warning sign of sleep apnea. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.
The louder you snore, the more likely you are to have sleep apnea. You are also more likely to have sleep apnea if your snores end in choking or gasping at night. For some people, nighttime teeth grinding is a related warning sign.
Waking Up Tired and in Pain
If you’re not spending enough time in bed, that might be the reason you wake up tired. However, if you’re spending eight or more hours in bed, but still waking up tired, consider sleep apnea as a possible cause.
Morning headaches affect many people with sleep apnea. This might be any type of headache. Tension headaches or migraines are common. You might not have a sense of the type of headache, and it may resolve relatively quickly. You might also experience jaw pain or toothache in the mornings.
High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea
High blood pressure affects many people, and it’s commonly associated with sleep apnea. Everyone with high blood pressure should be tested for sleep apnea if they have other symptoms.
If you are taking blood pressure medication but it’s not helping, you should definitely be tested for sleep apnea.
It’s Easy to Get a Sleep Test at Home makes it easy to get a sleep apnea test at home. You don’t have to go to a lab for a sleep study. You don’t even have to hunt around for a doctor. If you don’t currently have a doctor, we can facilitate a telemedicine visit with a doctor who will perform a screening and prescribe a sleep test if appropriate. Best of all, you can use your PPO or Medicare insurance to help cover the cost of this visit and your test. Or you can pay out-of-pocket if you prefer.
When you get your sleep test, it will include clear, step-by-step instructions to help you perform it correctly. Then send the test back to us, and we’ll have a doctor interpret the results for an accurate diagnosis.
Connect with Our Network of Local Dentists & Medical Providers
Most doctors will prescribe a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) for sleep apnea. This is an effective sleep apnea treatment for many, but it’s not right for everyone. For some people, oral appliance therapy works as well or better. With greater comfort, convenience, and ease of use, many people prefer oral appliance therapy.
If you want to consider oral appliance therapy, can help. When your sleep test indicates oral appliance therapy might be right for you, we can put you in touch with one or more local dentists and medical providers who can fit you with an oral appliance.
Getting a Sleep Study at Home Is Easy
If you suspect sleep apnea, the first step in getting treatment is getting tested. At, we make this as easy as possible, and make it easy to get an oral appliance instead of CPAP, if that’s what you want.
To start the process, please use our online form to order a sleep test. It’s that easy.

Love can be fiery and passionate or sweet and steady—but snoring? Not so much. Whether you're in the honeymoon phase or years into your journey together, snoring can shake up a relationship. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, let’s take a fun look at how snoring can impact your love life.

New Year’s resolutions are made with the best intentions—hitting the gym, eating healthier, and committing to self-improvement. Millions of people dive in, signing up for memberships, filling their fridges with fresh produce, and stacking self-help books on their nightstands. But as the months go by, workouts slow down, nutritious meals are replaced with convenience foods, and those books remain unread. Why do so many resolutions fail? One major factor that often gets overlooked is sleep. Poor sleep can derail motivation and energy, making it harder to stick to your goals. Let’s explore how a sleep test could be the key to staying on track.